Borregaard Capital Markets Day 2024

Hvor og når
onsdag 18. september 2024 09:00
onsdag 18. september 2024 13:30
Oslo Konserthus + Digitalt
Borregaard i samarbeid med FFN
17/09/2024 12:00
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Borregaard Capital Markets Day 2024

Borregaard will host a Capital Markets Day at Oslo Konserthus (Oslo Consert Hall) on Wednesday 18 September, starting at 09:00 and ending at 12:30 (CEST) followed by lunch.

The presentations will be held in English and transferred live via webcast (link). The written presentation material, in the form of slides, will be distributed in an enclosure to a stock exchange communication which will be issued one hour before the event starts. The material will also be published on Borregaard’s home page at 08:00 CEST the same day.



09:00 – 10:30 Opening and welcome by Finance Society Norway (FFN)
Borregaard and the dawn of specialisation

Per A Sørlie, President & CEO

Numerous niches, big shifts

Tom Erik Foss-Jacobsen, EVP BioSolutions

·         Sustainability and regulatory offering new opportunities

Anders Sjöde, VP Sales Biopolymers

Guro Elise Fredheim, CTO Biopolymers

10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:30 Stronger positions, focused strategy

Gisle Løhre Johansen, EVP Speciality cellulose

·         Ice Bear: Reaping the benefits of new technology

Ali Moosavifar, Technical Service and Sustainability Manager

Organic growth and bio-based investments

Kristin Misund, SVP R&D and Business development

·         Leveraging competence, investing in the long term

Martin Lersch, CTO Business development

Financial performance and targets

Per Bjarne Lyngstad, CFO

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

For questions please contact Lotte Kvinlaug, Investor Relations Officer, Borregaard,, or Trine Sy, FFN,

The agenda is subject to change.