CFA-webinar: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine & It’s Impact on Macro and Assset Allocation
CFA-webinar: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine & It’s Impact on Macro and Assset Allocation
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is first and foremost a humanitarian tragedy. It brings with it a host of crucial challenges and questions unrelated to finance. However, it also emphasizes how the world’s ever-changing geopolitical landscape can have critical implications for financial markets.
CFA Society Norway, in collaboration with our sponsor Fidelity International, invites you to a virtual meeting with the Global Head of Macro and Strategic Asset Allocation at Fidelity International, Salman Ahmed. He will share his view on how Russia’s attack on Ukraine will change the global macro landscape as well as how it might impact asset allocation choices and portfolio construction. How will global trade and growth be affected? How will inflation impact our asset allocation choices?
Salman will answer questions live during the last 15 minutes of the webcast – kindly submit during the event, using the Q&A functionality.